Advertising & Branding

Napa Valley Quilt

Brand Videos | Print Ads

Napa Valley Quilt is a brand with a metaphorical name. Just as a quilt is assembled from a patchwork of fabrics, so too are Quilt wines assembled from the patchwork of vineyards that is Napa Valley.

Translation: the wines are blends. Sometimes it’s varieties that are blended, other times it’s vineyards and/or AVAs. But always it’s the finesse of the winemaker that makes the difference. A difference we captured with the tagline, “It’s How You Put It Together.”

We had already sold in the print campaign for when the client came back and asked for video. All the spots take place in an art gallery environment where mysterious things seem to happen. Sort of like “Night at the Museum” where exhibits come to life when no one is looking.

The spots are 100% computer generated. Crazy.

Quilt Rocks Wine Spectator Ad.jpg
Quilt Masterpiece Wine Spectator Ad.jpg